The episode starts off in Sentai footage.
This shot is more than likely new footage ![](
This shot of Jinxer appears to be new footage ![](
Here's new footage of Jinxer ![](
Once you see the demons in the Shadow World then that's back to Sentai
It's hard to tell whether the cemetry site is new footage or not
because while it looks like it's in new footage, it's basically
identical to the one in Sentai so for now I'm just going to say that
it's Sentai.
These shots
are new footage.
Here's some interior shots of the Aquabase
The scenes of Olympius in his Shadow World-powered up form is always in
Sentai footage.
Aftrer you see the Star Power on Olympius glowing with energy, it then
looks like it zooms out into new footage.
This shot of Olympius in Shadow World form appears to be new footage ![](
Here's new footage of Olympius, the Gatekeeper and Jinxer ![](,%20Gatekeeper%20and%20Jinxer.jpg)
Here's more new footage of Olympius in Shadow Form mode/form
This shot of the Green Ranger in the cemetry appears to be back to
Sentai footage ![](
After the Yellow and Blue Rangers have a Sentai confrontation with
Jinxer, the next time you see the Red Ranger, it's back to new footage.
These shots
are back to Sentai
The shot of Olympius' Star Power glowing and then him growing is Sentai
This shot of Giant Olympius appears to be new footage
The following shot
of Jinxer on the ground
is new footage however the shots of Olympius' Star Power glowing with
energy is always Sentai footage. The next time you see it glow after
the American Jinxer shot is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
After Fairweather cuts off the power source that Jinxer was using for
Olympius, you then see it cut to new footage of Jinxer with his
medallion breaking and then it cuts to a Sentai shot of Giant Olympius
All zord footage and all Giant Gatekeeper footage is Sentai footage.
All other Giant Olympius is Sentai footage except for the shot that's
listed above.
After the shot of Fairweather and Captain in the Aquabase, it then cuts
to new footage of Jinxer and Olympius.
Here's new footage of Olympius since he doesn't have his Star Power ![](
Majority of Sentai footage comes from GoGoV Episode 43 however click on
the following link to go to my page for GoGoV Episodes 42 and 43.
Episodes 42 and 43